Von der Leitung des Projektes in Indien/Sakhinetipalli kam der Dank, der uns nochmals vor Augen führt, wie auch mit kleiner, aber stetiger Hilfe Schicksale beeinflusst und Leben verändert werden können:
Anfang April dieses Jahres, mitten hinein in die Corona Krise, richtete der Leiter der dortigen Schule ein Dankes-Schreiben am Manfred und Marlene, das wir gerne hier allen verfügbar machen:
„Dear Manfred and Marlin – It was great pleasure to hear from you and thank you so much for your continuous support. Because of your tremendous support for last 20 years more than 500 unprivileged children were benefitted. Yes I can proudly say you brought a big difference in their lives. They were doing good in their lives and became a family person and (are) working as technical skilled persons, teachers, pastors, customer support workers, tailors, small business and…etc. Because of your numerous support they came to FFC Home, Sakhinetipalli and went to school and became productive to themselves and also having their own family.“
Unserer Dank geht natürlich an alle, die dazu beigetragen haben. Wir machen weiter und hoffen auf Ihre Unterstützung.